February 3, 2011

On my mind: Introduction

When I was 10 years old, my family and I left Korea to immigrate to the United States. Although I did most of my growing up here in America, I recently discovered (and finally admitted) that I ended up becoming way more "Korean" on the inside. In high school, I only listened to Korean music (known as KPOP). Then in college, I found myself watching countless hours of Korean drama and memorizing the names & profiles of the newest "IT" Korean celebrities. I spent most of my spare time surfing through Korean blogs for lifestyle tips on everything - from fashion/makeup to food recipes. I guess distance really does make the heart grow fonder. Despite being (6-7)thousands of miles away from Korea for more than 10 years, it was obvious that my heart & my mind were helplessly stuck in Korea.

I created this blog to share my passion, my identity, and my life as a 1.5 generation Korean-American girl. Before I begin, please understand that I have absolutely no intention of being ethnocentric in favor Korea. I'm not here to compare, judge, or boast. I'm simply here to tell my story and whatever's on my mind. With some creativity, humor, and research,  I will do my best to come up with fun & interesting contents :) So sit back, relax, and enjoy whatever is to come out of my spontaneous mind.
