February 8, 2011

On my mind: Month of love?

It's February... You know what that means? Flowers. Chocolates. Listening to lovey-dovey commercials on TV, radio, even at the grocery market... -_- It's a warning for us single people that Valentine's Day (the saddest day of the year) is near! Prepare to see more lovin' around the world - more kisses, hugs, and inappropriate PDAs... Because love is in the air.

But Korean entertainment headlines seem to say otherwise: "Park Jung Ah & Gil Break Up." Um... WHAT?! Park Jung Ah (actress/singer) and Gil (singer) were my favorite Korean celebrity couple! :( As one of the most famous "Beauty & the Beast" couples in Korea, these two opposites had been together for almost two years. And two years in a publicly-acknowledged relationship is a huge deal for mainstream celebs, especially in Korea. I've always admired their courage and the way they  loved & cared for each other. Although Gil & Park Jung Ah had made their relationship public since (almost) the beginning, they never boasted about it. Instead, whenever I saw them together, they were so sweet & happily dependent on each other, which was simply adorable.

It saddens me to see that these two lovebirds just couldn't survive an awful timing in their relationship. Their spokespeople explained that both stars' "busy schedules" (Gil with his variety shows & Park Jung Ah with her daily drama filming) caused them to become gradually more distant & eventually led to their break-up. But they still remain as good friends.

So is February really the month of love?
Sorry, St. Valentine. I say, not so much.
