March 13, 2011

On my mind: Racism is ugly

This poor girl has officially angered the internet with her ignorance. As a result, she has now become the most-hated "internet personality," in less than 24 hours. Kudos to her - if fame is what she wanted out of all this nonsense. Check out this video & listen to her frustration with the Asian community, which apparently to her, is the only race that has no manners & talks in the library in the "Ching-Chong" language.

The internet can be a scary place. Reading over a handful of hateful comments on this video, I was easily given with information about her name, what school she went to, her e-mail address, and even her personal phone number.  I was also able to figure out that she worked as a fashion columnist for the Examiner. Really? An online journalist? She should have known better. Who knows what will happen to her now? Would she be able to walk freely on school campus, or even step out of her house without watching her back? Only time will tell, but there is a great possibility that she will appear on our television screens pretty soon - either on the news or some morning talk show. Ah, the power of internet!